Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I finally learned how to put lots of pictures on!

Well, this summer has been awesome so far. My friends make it awesome. I wish I had more pictures than I do, but here's what I have. Some of these first ones aren't from the summer actually, but oh well.

This is Charity and Haley. They are my bestest friends. Charity is so amazing that she took care of her family of seven for a week while her parents were both in the hospital. Haley is so amazing that I can't help but smile whenever she is around.

Haha. We were walking up a mountain and Haley got too tired to keep up with us. So I took a picture of her tiredness.

I decided to deliberately disobey the sign and feed Charity a granola bar anyways. Haha, this choir trip was a fun one!

This is everyone's "excited to be at Six Flags" face. Haha, jk. This is Haley, Ryan, Kyli, Annie, and Natalie. We had a fun group.
Well, none of these actually turned out as coming from the summer. Cause I don't have any of those pictures. Haley and Shelby do though. I'll have to see if I can get them from them.


  1. OH those were some good good times, don't ever forget the Goldrusher haha. Next year, Disneyland. :)

  2. Jeff Merril has a blog.
    It made my day to discover that fact.
    I'm sure everyone's already told you how amazing you did on that solo in choir the other day, but I will tell you again. Jeff, it was beyond fabulous! All those other boys should run and hide.
